Romeo and Juliet (and their friends) are on Twitter: Even Better Than The Real Thing?

Picture 1Little bit like New Coke, but having grown up with the story — from the stage play to the Decaprio/Danes film version — I find myself really enjoying seeing these characters bob in and out of my twitter feed.

I became aware of the project, which is a collaboration between the Royal Shakespeare Company and Mudlark (which produces entertainment on mobile telephones), by the New York Times piece, “Such Tweet Sorrow.” CNET’s coverage has an even better title: “Romeo and Juliet Now Killing It on Twitter.”

Here are a few sample tweets from @julietcap16: dont be too mean! I have a cold and… im so embarrassed.. but yeah here it is. Song number 1 x

I just wanted to preach to the twitter world, my love for my sister @Jess_nurse 🙂 She is the best sister in the world! Mum would be proud!x

@LaurenceFriar haha i love it! This is definite retweet material! You’ve set a high standard i must admit 🙂 x

shut up @Tybalt_Cap you have no choice!!! Xx

RT @why_so_random: @julietcap16 should so make @Tybalt_Cap dress up as a fairy princess! 😛

Have no idea what this is doing for actual sales, or actual arts education. This is quite different from a film version. It’s like the dvd extras on a film. It’s new media enriched. It’s new coke. Better than the real thing? No. But part of the value of art is the simple experience, and this project has actually managed to bring Shakespeare – in an oddly unselfconscious way – into my daily life.

Tweet Tweet

twitterI joined Twitter a few months ago… More than a preternatural understanding of technology, I’m simply committed to not being the old guy who doesn’t know what a walk-man is. So I joined Twitter, and I’m trying to figure out how to use it.

For me, embedding my feed into my blog – to the left here – has been nice. While blog writing isn’t exactly Lord of the Rings length, someone can look at your Twitter feed and see thoughts/agenda over days very quickly.

I just saw an article – twitted by one of my followers who I am not following – and appreciate the following quote:

I try to follow people that share similar interests and that add value to my network and the information I am receiving from them. While some use Twitter as a way to connect with their friends, I use Twitter as a way to soak in information from users that have similar interests in social media, journalism, technology and more. Yes, this does mean that I dont always follow even my friends back. I keep up with my friends on Facebook. Twitter is a social broadcasting tool that I can use to see what exactly is the buzz during any given moment. It is a social RSS, a place where I can have a discussion about issues in technology and how its changing our social interactions and especially the journalism industry I am a part of.

Whole blog post here. Each of us – and I include in ‘us’ each business – gets to decide how, and if, we want to use new media tools. For instance: I recently started following a local politician who was clearly new to twitter. She was using twitter to stay in touch with friends, and has since made her tweets private. That’s a fine choice.

There’s flexibility in these tools, just like websites. You can do them/use them lots of different ways. And just like advertising, too, there are a variety of best practices out there. That’s all for now.. just a random social media thought at lunch-time. Taking walkman off now.

By the by – you can follow me on Twitter at #RBett
