Doug Fox, the proprietor of the Great Dance blog recently wrote about dancer’s writing about their own work on his blog. You can see the whole post here. He posted this on November 29th, 2007:
“The Compelling Quality of First Person Dance Narratives
Dancers have no obligation to write about and describe their work.Dancers who do not write about and describe their work are missing a huge opportunity…… Why allow critics and bloggers to be the only voices when it comes to your work? Why not provide readers/dancegoers with your point of view?…..People want to hear directly from artists. What are you creating? What’s important to you? Who are you working with? What ideas are you exploring?……Rob Bettmann of the dance blog Bourgeon is working with dancers, primarily in the Washington, DC area, to encourage them to write about their dancing. The latest posts features first person accounts from choreographers, dancers and teachers. I think that Rob’s initiative is an important one and I hope more dancers explore different approaches to communicating about their work and sharing their explorations with online readers.”